Its guarantee a natural appearance removing imperfections due to the corrective powers of the lens. Its are produced through the use of a special monomer situated between highest index (1.74) and the high index (1.67) ensuring higher optical quality compared to the first and a greater attention at the designs respect to the second. Dai guarantee the fast delivery service for all Fly Air 1.71 of stock with oleophobic AR treatment with a warranty of 3 years called GREAT .TECH, thanks to the wide range available in our warehouse and the possibility to have the lenses in all geometries, both single vision (multiaspheric, asform and spheric) and progressive for the while range DAITACH.
“Ai sensi delle Linee guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013, relative alla pubblicità sanitaria concernente i dispositivi medici si avvisa l’utente che le informazioni ivi contenute sono esclusivamente rivolte agli operatori professionali.”