DAI OPTICAL makes unique the vision experience of presbyopes by placing their needs at the center of its research and innovation process and offering, with I-ZOOM progressive, a new generation solution that eliminates adaptation problems and guarantees perfect vision at any distance.

I-zoom is designed with the new mathematical model called DNA Patch Calculation, characterized by a surface developed with a micro patch approach. This allow to have local and microscopic optimizations, that aim to reduce aberrations in the peripheral zone, improving the comfort on the lens surface.

With balance Corridor and Pupyl Opening Technology, the I-Zoom are also available for aniseikonia and allow to support the mydriasis process ensuring a natural and comfortable vision.

I-Zoom lenses can be designed also with the aid of I-Check: I-Zoom Check.

I-Check is the app that scans the wearer’s eyes studying their anatomy, habits and behavior. It is able to read, analyze, process and reproduce visual and postural activities during typical actions involving near vision, such as reading.

In addition, it allows you to take the pupillary distance for far and near, to customize the lens according to facial, frame and habit parameters and to record and analyze the vision habit of the wearer during reading.

Thanks to the definition of the visual behavior for near vision carried out with I-Check detector, the wearer, wearing a progressive lens I-Zoom Check, will perceive an increase in the vision field (in depth and width) in the proximal distance with an effective volume increase.