The difference is that the bifocal lenses are divided in two parts: the upper part for far vision, the lower part for near vision. There isn’t the intermediate zone vision and for this reason the passage of vision from one section to another is sudden.
Today the market is dominated by progressive lenses, but the demand of bifocal lenses is still present.
D.A.I. Optical™ decided to invest in a new product that improve and satisfy the needs of the wearer of bifocal lenses: BIFORM the first bifocal lenses with free form technology available in all material and index.
Its are bifocal lenses with invisible near zone made in ROUND 24-28 and ULTEX 40-45. With this kind of technology it is possible to produce any lens doing decentrations, prisms, variable inset, and so on.
The connection that define the passage from far zone to near zone is very light, almost invisible. For this reason its are aesthetically pleasing.
The lenses BIFORM ROUND are suitable for all those that can’t adapt to progressive lens but can’t bear double glasses.
BIFORM ULTEX is suitable for all those that in their activity is request a very wide near zone (for example dentists), or who prefer to have a vision for far and for near very wide and confortable, as if he was wearing two separate glasses.
“Ai sensi delle Linee guida del Ministero della Salute del 28/03/2013, relative alla pubblicità sanitaria concernente i dispositivi medici si avvisa l’utente che le informazioni ivi contenute sono esclusivamente rivolte agli operatori professionali.”